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Wind Regions of Australia & Why They Matter

A wind region map of Australia, showing the different 4 different wind regions, marked by letter A, B1, B2, C, and D.

Australia is a vast continent with diverse weather conditions, where understanding wind regions isn’t just about weather forecasting. It’s crucial for businesses and individuals alike to understand the different wind regions and their local wind requirements before investing in outdoor structures such as container domes. The updated wind regions standard used in this country, AS1170.2021, defines the classification of wind regions across Australia.

Australian building standards involve three main factors: wind regions, terrain category, and importance level. Here, we’ll look at the different wind ratings in Australia and their significance, which will help you to better select the appropriate dome structure for your business or property when the time comes.

Understanding Wind Regions and AS1170.2021

The current Australian Standards AS1170.2021 (an update of the previous standards, AS1170.2:2011) establishes guidelines for determining wind actions on structures, which is vital for ensuring safety and stability. “Wind regions” is the term used for the classification of different areas of our country based on different wind speeds in each zone and the frequency of extreme weather events that are experienced in those regions.

Wind regions in Australia are categorised into Regions A, B, C, or D, each representing different wind speeds and characteristics. These regions help engineers and builders design structures that can withstand local wind conditions.

Wind Regions in Australia

The wind zone map of Australia provides a visual representation of these regions, allowing businesses and residents to understand the wind dynamics in their area. If you’re unsure of the wind ratings in your area of Australia, though, feel free to call us and chat with our team for some advice.

Why Wind Regions Matter

Understanding the different wind regions in Australia is essential for several reasons:


Structures built without considering the local wind region may fail during high wind events, posing risks to lives and property. However, following Australian standards when it comes to wind regions reduces risks, protects assets, and ensures safety on construction sites.


Adhering to AS1170.2021 ensures the structures you buy and use meet legal and safety standards. This protects your business and doesn’t leave you open to potential legal or HR issues over the years.

Longevity and Cost Savings

Structures designed for specific wind regions are more durable and require less maintenance. This also saves you money in the long run because you won’t have to replace them very often.

Impact of Wind Regions on Purchasing Storage Solutions

When choosing dome structures and container sheds, such as those offered by Container Domes, it is crucial to consider your wind region. Our products are engineer-certified to handle Wind Regions A, B, C, and D, terrain category 2, and level of importance 2, as per AS1170.2021 standards. Additionally, they are cyclone-rated, ensuring maximum protection in areas prone to severe weather.

Depending on where you live and your corresponding wind region, the type of dome you require may vary:

Choosing the Right Dome From Container Domes

Container Domes’ Commitment

At Container Domes, we always prioritise safety and compliance. Our products are designed and engineered to meet the stringent requirements of AS1170.2021, providing reliable solutions for various wind regions across Australia. Whether you need a dome for storage, workshops, or other purposes, our structures offer peace of mind and exceptional performance.

Know Your Wind Region Before You Buy

Understanding wind regions in Australia and the updated AS1170.2021 standard is crucial for choosing the right dome structures. By considering the wind region and corresponding wind ratings, you can ensure the safety, compliance, and longevity of your investments. Choose the right dome for your location, and you can rest assured that your assets will be well-protected.

At Container Domes, we’re here to help. Before you make a purchase, our team will ask for your shelter location to ensure it meets the region’s wind rating.

For more information on our range of quality products and to explore our differently wind-rated domes, get in touch to chat with our knowledgeable team members or get a free quote for the dome or domes you have your eye on.  

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