- May 26, 2016
- Posted by: Container Domes
- Category: Info Articles

For people who work in the mining industry, construction, gas, and oil industries understand that the environment can be harsh. At times, the work site may be located far from the headquarters and that not only makes the storage of valuable items tricky but accommodation becomes troublesome too. Most companies choose to hire a warehouse simply because they do not understand the effectiveness of a container dome.
Long Life
A shade dome offers accommodation, storage, workshops, and offices. It can easily be converted to any space a company needs. It is easily transported and erected, and can operate as a fully operational venue. When on site, additional details such as stores, workshops, and recreational facilities can be added. The shelter will be exposed to many elements such as the sun and strong winds, given that it will be laid in harsh environments almost throughout. Most companies use resistant materials such as steel on the containers’ walls. Also, fabric covers are used in colours like silver or white on the dome’s walls. Such colours do not allow too much heat into the dome, meaning that stored items will be safe from the heat.
Customised Solution
Only buy a dome that will cater to your needs regarding space. A good manufacturing company will advise you on the best size and the best place to install. If you want certain embellishments such as shelves and doors added, it will be easy to adjust the sizing of the dome. Whatever size you choose, ensure that it gets certified by an engineer. What you want to avoid are hazardous situations as you get a storage facility for your equipment. Depending on your project, you can get a customised shelter since different companies have varying needs regarding storage.
The other advantage you have with a container is easy relocation. Different companies, especially the mining industry may want to move from one location to another. A dome from manufacturers like Container Domes Australia comes to you with features that are easy to transfer. In this case, a portable shelter like the dome makes a sensible capital investment. More so, most are maintenance-free. Your installer can customise one for you such that it will require no painting, cleaning, or treatments, saving you both money and time.
The Next Wave of Shipping Container Construction: Dome Shelters, My Green Home Blog
Building and Construction Industry, Australia.gov