- September 15, 2016
- Posted by: Container Domes
- Category: Info Articles

For years, Australia’s heavy industries have made use of the durable flexibility of dome shelters. Mining is the obvious one, the petroleum industry, and heavy pipe-laying companies are others. Ancillary industries such as transportation companies, office staff, servicing and maintenance, equipment and vehicle workshops, and accommodation, canteen facilities, and restrooms, all are quickly erected using converted shipping containers and dome shelters. From the red dusty soil of the outback, a small temporary town appears in a matter of days.
With the collapse of the commodities markets, and the slowdown in Chinese demand for Australia’s raw materials, miners and support staff are being laid-off like never before. As the big players in these industries look elsewhere to recoup their losses, what is the future for the many manufacturers of container domes and dome shelters in Australia, who have also relied so heavily on these major industries?
Like all the others, they seek to replace lost sales in other areas. Thankfully, the farming industry, another big user of container domes, continues to thrive, and from it are sprouting smaller, rural niche industries, which are beginning to appreciate the cost-effectiveness and flexibility of using containers and shelters.
Small, almost cottage type industries, which specialise in the growing, harvesting, and marketing of olive oils, the Kakadu plum, bush spices, camel, goat, and alpaca farming, chestnut growers, and seaweed collection for food and fertilizers are among many small rural industries with big ambitions.
Mining and Petroleum
Mining and petroleum industries spread themselves across hundreds of acres of bush-land. Add to that the hundreds of personnel employed and who have to be accommodated onsite, and it’s little wonder 40ft containers and large, high shelters are the order of the day. But a dome shelter in Australia can be any size you require.
From hundreds or thousands of acres, to three, five, or ten acres, a dome shelter in Australia can be incorporated into the design. Most manufacturers have stock sizes of self-standing dome shelters from 6m to 21m, but purpose built shelters can be customised to smaller sizes when required. Easily erected by staff, or company installation teams, they can be as easily dismantled and relocated on site, as expansion and company growth predicts.
Made of high quality light alloys, they have a canopy which will provide years of shade from the strong Australian sun, and shelter and protection from the high winds and storms of the winter. A chat with a container dome company representative will provide all you need to know about the many cost-effective benefits of using container domes in your new fledgling rural industry.
Australia’s mining boom turns to dust as commodity prices collapse telegraph.co.uk
Passion to Profit the magazine of New Rural Industries Australia issuu.com